Wednesday, July 31, 2019

An End to Animal Abuse Essay

â€Å"Animals are dying all over the world and becoming endangered species mostly because of animal abuse and cruelty† (James Gorman). It is a worldwide problem that will continue unless people are concerned about it or stop doing it. There should be more laws regulating child labor. Animal abuse stops scientists from researching animals. Animals become endangered species. It also causes psychological effect. Animal abuse must be abolished. One reason animal abuse must be abolished is because it stops scientists from researching other animals. â€Å"Researching animals helped make medicines for terrible diseases.† (James Gorman). One endangered animal is the chimpanzee, which is endangered because of being trapped in cages. Another reason animal abuse should be abolished is that animals die and become endangered species. â€Å"Breeds of horses face endangerment and extinction because of animal abuse.† ( These horses get slaughtered by people for their meat because people think horses can cure HIV. Some horses are killed because of religion. Last reason animal abuse should be abolished is that animal abuse causes psychological effect. â€Å"This means animals are shy and aggressive because of being injured and hurt. The most negative thing about animal abuse is psychological effect.† (James Gorman). As you can see, there are many reasons why there should be more laws regulating animal abuse. Animals getting injured and hurt badly causes many horrible things. It makes scientists give up on their research on animals, animals get close to endangerment or extinction, and most importantly, it will cause effects when animals are hurt. If you see animals getting abused or treated bad, call the ASPCA. They are professionals and save and find homes for animals every day.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bambara’s Short Story Called “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara

The main character in Toni Cade Bambara’s short story called â€Å"The Lesson† ironically is not even named until midway through the story. Sylvia is a tough girl from the ghetto who uses her experience at the museum and the toy store to become more self aware. In â€Å"The Lesson,† Sylvia learns a lot about herself, but nothing that she will share; instead she will use her knowledge inwardly to propel herself. What the reader knows about Sylvia is very little.Bambara provides no physical description of her although we suspect from the beginning that she is from the ghetto as she speaks very colloquially and talks of winos and pee in the hallway of her building. The reader can also glean this knowledge from the other characters in the story. Sylvia is stubborn and she keeps her true feelings inside. She is therefore a fairly â€Å"closed† person. Even when she wants to know what a real boat costs, she will not directly ask Miss Moore because she doesn†™t want to give her the satisfaction of speaking to her.When they are in the toy store and Sugar longingly runs her finger over the boat, Sylvia says, â€Å"I’m jealous and want to hit her. Maybe not her, but I sure want to punch somebody in the mouth (424). She is angry about the inequities of wealth in the world, but she doesn’t want to appear that way to anyone so she pretends to be bored. She doesn’t want anyone to think that these sort of social inequities bother her, especially since that is what Miss Moore is trying to prove. She is even angry at Sugar for expressing a lesson learned from this experience. This does not mean at all that she doesn’t â€Å"get it†.She understands exactly the ramifications of this experience. Sylvia is bright and she does have sort of an epiphany while entering the toy store. She says, â€Å"But I feel funny, shame,† as she enters the toy store, but he is not quite sure what she is shamed about. She is intuitive enough to realize that she cannot afford these things even though her family works hard as well. As they ride home on the train, she keeps thinking about the price of these toys and what that money could buy. â€Å"Thirty five dollars would pay for the rent and the piano bill too.Who are these people that spend that much for performing clowns and $1000 for toy sail boats? What kinda work they do and how they live and how come we ain’t in on it/† (424) Sylvia is resentful of the money spent on these extravagances and yet, angry that she doesn’t have the money to do the same. She experiences shame over her social class, probably for the first time. Because she is taken out of her own reality, the prices in the toy store hit her like a bucket of cold water in the face. She has just come face-to-face with the cold reality of what others have and what she does not.Her stubbornness will not let her admit any of this to Miss Moore or even to Sugar, but she f eels in in her chest. She won’t speak the â€Å"truth† that she knows aloud, but she can feel it inside her. What she does do is vow to be a strong person. She is determined as evidenced in her statement, â€Å"But aint nobody gonna beat me at nuthin† (426). The reader believes that she will use this new-found knowledge as a guiding point in her life. She is stubborn and determined, and while she may not care about the flaws in the system of wealth distribution like Sugar, she will make sure that she is no longer on the failing end of this equation.With her stubbornness and street smarts, the reader has no idea where this determined attitude will take her—to a world of drugs or other illegal activities in order to make money or a more legal route. We do know that these words are deep inside her and will propel her toward the money she believes she wants and is entitled to. Sylvia is a round character as we can see the â€Å"wheels turning† as she c ontemplates new information and uses it to make her even stronger.WORKS CITEDLawn, Beverly, 40 Short Stories A Portable Anthology, Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston, 2004. pp. 419-426.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fogbusters inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fogbusters inc - Essay Example The territory to investigate and give an innovation proposal and settle on a discriminating choice is the assembling and supply benefits Some of the items transformed by FOGBUSTERS Inc framework incorporate Goslyn. This is an immiscible fluid separator which works under hydro static weight and does not have any moving parts. Creative (patent pending) innovation has the proficiency to constantly and for all time uproot Fats, Oils & Greases from waste gushing. It keeps empties free as a bird while killing the requirement for unreasonable splashing frameworks or oil trap pumping. It additionally uproots the strong flotsam and jetsam that move beyond empty wicker bin. It is ordinarily these solids, blending with the fats, oils and oils that cause the lions share of channel blockages. FOGBUSTERS Inc System is altogether "greener" than the elective frameworks focused around various supportability favorable circumstances, It gets water cleaner (more level ppm of FOG), essentially diminishes the utilization of chemicals and decreases the era of oil ooze that overall obliges trucking expenses. Also, it decreases landfill use, lessens the glitch of downstream wastewater medicine frameworks, and encourages reusing of waste FOG for biodiesel generation and different employments. Most biofuel feedstocks (corn, canola, oil palm and other oil products) occupy cropland and different assets from sustenance preparation (the nourishment vs. fuel situation) come as a bi-result of Fogbuster. A business’s technological advancement plays a huge role in choosing where to locate a business. A well-developed internet, communications, and technology makes doing business across borders easy. It is like removing all boundaries that exist whether physical or imaginary. Most businesses have developed their technological infrastructure thus greatly easing the way of doing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategic Human Resources Management Assignment

Strategic Human Resources Management - Assignment Example ger responsibility requiring the involvement of different organizational capabilities is much higher than when recruitment is considered the sole responsibility of a small group of people hired for the purpose of administering recruitment activity. Armstrong (2009, p. 87) underscores that ‘No single aspect of HR strategy should be considered in isolation. The links between one area and other complementary areas need to be established so that the ways in which they can provide mutual support to the overall strategy can be ascertained.’ Burke describes the impact of incorporating Likert’s System 4 of Participative Group Management. This organizational decision led to internal habit changes and recruitment process changes. Top management representatives drove this organizational change and ensured active participation by the various departments. The recruitment process included observation of candidates in different situations and the decision of recruitment was given in the hands of the people who were to be worked with. The selection process included a feedback session with the candidate that explained the reason the candidate’s acceptance or rejection. (2002, p. 86) This experience highlights the need for an organizational view about the manner in which recruitment and selection processes should be designed, who alongside the recruitment function should be party to the process design and gauge system and manpower capabilities to sustain the processes. The recruitment function holds primary responsibility for the implementation of the process but organizational involvement is necessary to review contradictory practices and curtail unrealistic expectations. Industry performance, competitor action, customer expectation and shareholder satisfaction form the factors that determine the competitive advantage of the firm. Companies adopt hiring practices to suit the supply-demand situation of the labor market. The labor market, competitive industry practices

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic Analysis and Selection of Information Systems Essay

Strategic Analysis and Selection of Information Systems - Essay Example For the purpose of this assignment, two articles will be reviewed for inclusion into the essay. The first is Collaborative Computing and True Enterprise Architecture is Still Two Years Away, by Worthen and the second is B2B: Execution of the Concept is Key to Success by M. Sawhney. The purpose of this assignment is to explain the relationship between business strategy in IT strategy, determine any problems that occurred with strategy formulation, determine if there were problems with strategy implementation, and determine if there were problems with the strategic process. In order to fully understand the concepts presented in this assignment, it is first essential to know the definition of the words that will be discussed herein. Strategy can be defined as "a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal, most often "winning". Strategy is differentiated from tactics or immediate actions with resources at hand by its nature of being extensively premeditated, and often practically rehearsed. Strategies are used to make the problem or problems easier to understand and solve" (Wikipedia, 2008). Strategy formulation then can be defined as "the process of determining appropriate courses of action for achieving organizational objectives and thereby accomplishing organizational purpose" (Kotelnikov, 2008). Strategic processes are made up of macro processes within an organization. "All organizational work is part of one or more processes. At their very broadest, macro processes can span an entire organization and cut across all major function s or departments. Examples of macro processes include the design and development of new products/services; producing products or delivering services; product order or service request fulfillment; invoicing/accounting, and collecting money; inventory management and logistics; information management; admitting, discharging, and transferring patients; or generating leads and making sales" (Clemmer 2008). Article 1 B2B: Execution of the Concept is Key to Success, by Mohanbir Sawhney Problems with Strategy Formulation When forming their strategy, "Their logic seemed elegant: create marketplaces that would match buyers and sellers, bringing improved liquidity, efficiency and transparency to B2B transactions, and make money through transaction fees from the trades, Once the buyers and sellers were on board to conduct transactions, the exchanges could augment that core functionality with value-added services such as logistics management, credit and settlement, and supplier verification" (Sawhney, 2002, p. 1). Yet, the B2B boom that was supposed to happen did not. This happened when investors started to question the business model upon with the new B2B concept was based. In other words, it was not the strategy formulation that was the problem; it was the strategy implementation. Problems with Strategy Implementation The article says itself, "One might conclude from the evidence that the idea of a B2B exchange is fundamentally flawed. However, it's not the concept of the exchange that is flawed but the execution of that concept" (Sawhney, 2002, p. 1). The article cites the chicken-and-the-egg concept as the reason for the failure of the B2B concept; i.e. it is hard to get buyers without suppliers and it is hard to get

DQ2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

DQ2 - Essay Example It was Goffee and Jones who considered the fact that, there are never-ending assortments of leaders and managers moreover no individual can immediately imitate a different leader or a different manager. Accordingly the dare facing the potential leaders and managers is for them to maintain their true personalities with a lot more polished skills. Which is why, individually they would need to formulate their own approach towards successful leadership and managers (Goffee, 2000). Will set a track or else visualization that others pursue, without taking into account the fact as to how this fresh direction is going to be accomplished. There are individuals then within the group who have to try real hard to complete the picture, a lot of effort is then required on their behalf. In this case the individual will be able to administer the resources in order to preserve the position or else make sure things go on in line with the previously recognized tactics. E.g.: a cricket match umpire supervises the game, however does not generally endow with leadership for the reason that there is no fresh alteration, no novel direction. Moreover the umpire is scheming resources to make sure that the rules of the game are ensued also position is preserved. In a situation where both exist, it would imply mutually the establishing of new paths along with administering the resources to accomplish it. E.g. A recently nominated leader otherwise a premier. It is quite possible that an individual might be an effective leader but not an effective manager. In this case, the manager or the leader would somehow make sure that there work goals are met, but they would not be able to accomplish anything in total. Experts also believe that all human beings have sometimes both the traits. The efficiency of the management comes into play here, when they need to recruit an individual and then work upon his skills to polish

Friday, July 26, 2019

FAMILY LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

FAMILY LAW - Essay Example Prior to this act, domestic violence was dealt under the provisions of several different acts. This act supplanted them and integrated them into one act3. The previous provisions had been ambiguous, confusing and were unable to deal with all the aspects of domestic violence. They had prescribed different norms for dealing with domestic violence and were applied to a very narrow range of relationships. Different courts had delivered significantly different decisions; and there was considerable variation in the remedies applied by different courts for similar types of domestic violence. The new act did away with this confusion and disparity to a great extent4. The present situation in the UK is that an individual can be prosecuted on charges of domestic violence, through several criminal justice provisions. However, the victims of domestic violence can only invoke the family law act for remedies and civil initiatives, to get protection against such violence. The family law act is preferred by most of the women to initiate civil action against offenders5. There are two reasons for this; first, victims of domestic violence do not want to invoke criminal proceedings against such violence, because once the prosecution is under way, they will be unable to control or stop the process, which will be controlled by the police authorities, who will take decisions regarding the subsequent steps in the process6. These authorities decide whether the matter is to be brought before the Crown Prosecution Service. At this juncture, the victim cannot stop the process and there is risk of subsequent retaliation by the offender against the victim. Secondly, victims of domestic violence are generally women; and many women do not want the offender to obtain a criminal record7. Thus, most women seek non – molestation orders, which imposes restrictive measures on the perpetrator and restrain him from committing such acts in future; and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Should Parents Censor Textbooks for Children in Schools Research Paper

Should Parents Censor Textbooks for Children in Schools - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the American Library Association provides information about the first amendment along with comments and opinions. The site first gives the specific text of the first amendment which is as follows – â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances†. The above statement indicates a level of relative freedom for the citizens of the country with importance given to freedom of expression which can include literature and textbooks intended for schoolchildren. The above article further highlights the observation of the 1791 ruling of the Supreme Court which states that censorship of a society is a sign of weakness and can be seen as autocratic or authoritarian. What is to be mentioned here about the site i s that it does not provide any clarifications or any other opinions about these observations and statutes. But it does provide links to other sites like the Cornell Law University and other government sites that could provide further light on the topic. So, it can be seen as an introduction to the First Amendment with good links to other literature on the topic. These issues and opinions will now be reviewed with other available literature. The problem or the confusion with regard to freedom of expression and censorship is that the law does not specifically state or define the limits of these two topics. Hence the concept of censorship has to be viewed from other angles including philosophical and social views and individual court decisions.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organization Theory, Design and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Organization Theory, Design and Change - Essay Example Societal ethics are the principles that have been laid for every member of the society to live by. It is through societal ethics, that a legal system is formed in order to guide people’s actions and how they interact with each other in the society. Professional ethics are the tenets that individuals of a particular profession must use to manage the manner at which they execute their tasks or utilize the resources within their reach. Individual ethics is the moral and personal values that have been set by a particular individual in order to guide their actions and interactions with other people. In an organization; different individuals with different professions are taken from the society in order to achieve a common goal. This is when the combination of societal, professional and individual ethics forms the basis of organizational ethics (Jones 47). Organizational ethics has it that each individual must live by his or her individual ethics, while observing the ethics of their profession and the ethics of the society at the same time. The conformance of each individual within the organization to the ethical behavior means that the collective interest of the society is safeguarded (Jones 51).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Deploying military values in the classroom to promote the goals and Dissertation

Deploying military values in the classroom to promote the goals and fidelity of the TTT program - Dissertation Example The military personnel get stipends or bonuses and agree in return to teach for three years in public schools. Military personnel who have a college degree are eligible to begin the process of getting the teaching certification so as to become an academic subject teacher. The paper will look at how deploying military values in the classroom help in promoting the goals and fidelity of the TTT program. The teacher shortage has continued to grow and school districts are increasingly turning to TTT to overcome the shortage Bank, (2007). The realization is that School districts that hire one military veteran through TTT most of the time always come back looking for more similar TTT teachers The Military veterans working as the TTT teachers have established a reputation as excellent teachers and exemplary role models for today’s students.   The breadth of experience, dedication, leadership skills, maturity and commitment that former marines, sailors, soldiers and airmen bring to t he classroom are attributes sought by public school administrators and parents Bank, (2007). This has led the TTT teachers to build a very good reputation to both administrators and principals in schools where they serve. The TTT programme headquarters office sent out recently a survey to 1,000 principals regarding the teachers who have come from the program. There were more than 800 replies from the survey. 17 percent from the survey received an average for performance, and more than 75 percent scored above average and higher. This shows how the school systems are finding former military members to be very valuable assets. They bring leadership skills, something they practiced with their troops. Bringing a lot of leadership experience to the classroom which is helpful to the students. The cultural diversity experience the former military personnel bring to the class room is of great importance. It comes as an added bonus which the program is providing the students who also come fro m various backgrounds. What comes with this is a strong male presence which schools are looking for. This is particular important due to the fact most of the low income schools have students with no male presence in their lives. The TTT program provides a stronger presence of male and minority teachers at the elementary level. In a study carried out in Florida, 6,500 students took part in the study. Their reading and mathematics performance was checked after being taught by the TTT teachers. Results from the study indicated that students taught by the TTT teachers performed equally well in reading and also achieved a marginal significant advantage in mathematics. The study focused on the issues such as accountability and achievement which are key values in the military. Clodfelter, Ladd, Vigdor, and Diaz (2004) note that school based accountability has become a problematic problem in recent year. This in return has led to poor performing among students making it difficult to attract high quality teachers. The TTT program has now made that possible. The fact that the TTT teachers, demonstrate the willingness to work in those particular settings has ensured success of the programme. Teacher Quality and Student Achievement Educational research found out that there is a correlation between the quality of the classroom teacher affects the outcome of students learning. The study continues to say that the teacher quality is the most important school factor in predicting

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hydrochloric acid Essay Example for Free

Hydrochloric acid Essay Introduction: We are trying to find out how the rate of reaction is affected by the concentration of one of the reactants. We are investigating this with sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. We will use different strengths of HCI acid and record the results. Method:   Collect the apparatus.   Make up different concentrations of hydrochloric acid using table 1.   Measure 20cm3 of sodium thiosulphate and pour into conical flask   Draw X on paper and place under conical flask. Carefully pour hydrochloric acid into burette using funnel.    Remove funnel. Turn the tap on the burette and start the stop-clock   Stop the clock when the X is no longer visible.   Record the results and repeat x5. Repeat for 0. 5m and 1. 0m. How to make up the different concentrations of hydrochloric acid. Apparatus Conical flask 6 beakers Clamp stand Burette Stop clocks Sodium Thiosulphate Different concentrations of HCI acid. Table 2 Concentration of acid (M) Volume of water (ml) Volume of HCI acid (ml)0 What is a reaction? A reaction occurs when two reactants successfully react together to form a new product. This is called the collision theory. There is many different ways to measure the rate of reaction.   These include: Measuring the amount of gas produced   Weighing before and after the experiment Draw an X on a piece of paper and measure how long it takes for the substance to turn cloudy enough so that the X is no longer visible   Using sensors to detect the loss of the starting material or the formation of the product Variables: Temperature: If the temperature is high, the particles have more energy. As a result of them having more energy they move a lot faster. Therefore the particles collide a lot faster increasing the rate of reaction and making a new product. Examples of reactions: An example of a reaction is when water and iron combine together to form iron oxide (H2O) (Fe 3) (Fe2 O3) Another example of a reaction is when zinc and oxygen combine together to form zinc oxide (Zn) (O2) (Zn O2) Concentration: If the concentration is greater so to is the number of particles. When you increase the number of particles you increase the chance of a collision, and the chance of them reacting to form a new product. Surface area: The smaller the particles the greater the surface area. Therefore there is a greater chance of them colliding as there is more area for them to hit off. Therefore the smaller the particles the greater the rate of reaction. Catalyst: A catalyst is a substance, which speeds up the rate of a reaction, without being used up itself. Catalysts work better when the particles are smaller because the surface area is greater. Prediction: I think that the high the concentration the faster the rate of reaction. This is because there is more H+ ions so the higher the chance of colliding. Therefore the quicker the reaction. Diagram These are the results I recorded: Concentration of acid (M)   Conclusion: From my results I can conclude that concentration does affect the rate dramatically. For example if we compare strongest strength of acid (1 molar) to the weakest (0.2 molar), there is a difference of nearly 14 seconds between the averages. This is because in the 0. 2 molar acid there is only a small amount of h+ ions where as in the 1 molar acid there is a lot more. Therefore the collisions occur a lot faster and the rate of reaction is increased as illustrated in the diagram above. Science coursework Stephen bannon Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Body mass index Essay Example for Free

Body mass index Essay In this assignment I will demonstrate every step of the process of determining my body mass index or BMI. After finding the body mass index I will then complete the following intervals based on my height. The formula used to determine the body mass index is BMI= 703W , where W represents a person weight in pounds and H represents a person H2 height in inches. My height is 70 inches. The first interval shows a compound inequality for: 17BMI22 17703W22 H2To make it an equivalent inequality I replaced the BMI with the formula 17703W22 702 My height in inches replaced H2 17703W22 4900then multiply by the height that was squared 17(4900)703W22(4900) 4900cancelling is performed 83300703W107800 multiplication carried out 83300703W107800 703 703 703to get W by itself all terms were divided by 703 118.49W153.34 After completing the problem I determined that people who are 70 inches may have a longer that average life if they weigh between 118.49 and 153.34 To solve this interval I’m going to solve for W prior to solving the inequality. 23703W25 H2 Multiply by H2 23H2703W25H2 Divide by 703 to get W by itself 23H2703W25H2 703703703 it is now an equivalent inequality 23(4900)W25(4900) 703 703from solving the first interval I know that my squared height is 4900. I then plugged it in the place of H2 then multiplied 112700W122500 703 703 160.31W174 Divide A person of 70 inches who weighs between 160.31 and 172 is probably not overweight. The third interval indicates a range for a person that is probably overweight. I solved this problem by inputting the number into the last compound inequality for 23 25. 25BMI29.9 25(4900)W29.9(4900) Multiply 703 703 122500W146510 703 703 Divide 174.25W208.41 A person that is 70 inches tall probably is overweight if their weight is between 174.25 and 208.41. The last interval is to be solved for someone who is obese. The inequality is BMI≠¥30 Since this is not a compound inequality I only need to use the middle and right terms. W≠¥30(4900) Multiply 703 W≠¥147000 Divide 703 W≠¥209.10 This interval indicates a person of 70 inches in height is obese if their weight is greater than or equal to 209.10. Of the 4 regions I’m going to notate interval 4 which states a person is obese if their weight is greater than or equal to 209.10. X is going to represent those who are obese X= (209.10, ∞) Graphed it would start at 209.10 pounds and so to infinity or it would never end. ( 209.10 ∞ In conclusion, during the course of the week I learned two different ways to solve for inequalities. I found that by solving for W in the intervals 2 through 4 was a lot easier and quicker than completing all the steps in the first interval. Reference Dugopolski, M. (2012). Elementary and intermediate algebra (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties

Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Language is the vehicle for most learning, so when a child has speech, language and communication difficulties it can affect the development of the child’s cognitive, social and emotional wellbeing. The level of development problems will vary depending on the severity of the problems and the support that the child receives. All children can benefit from some support in speech, language and communications because of how important it is for learning. We need all three elements of speech, language and communication to get our message across, without any of these, what a child says and understands may become confused. Here are some areas that may be affected. Personal, social and emotional development. Some may find it difficult to follow the rules of communication and interact socially with others. Because they may find it hard to express themselves and get their views and needs across to others they can often find themselves avoiding social interaction situations. This can then make them feel they lack confidence and have a low self-esteem. Decision making will become difficult and they may start to rely on others to make decisions for them. Friendships. Friendships are very important for children. Children with speech, language and communications difficulties can find making and maintaining friendships a real challenge. The ability to understand and negotiate disagreements, socialise with peers and be part of a friendship group is an important development in life. This can become even more difficult as the child progresses through primary school as the need increases for them to become more aware of the feelings, thoughts and motives of others. Behaviour. Children with these difficulties can often become frustrated, this can result in them demonstrating behaviour difficulties. These can range from occasional bouts of unpredictable behaviour to more specific patterns of misbehaviour. Sometimes because of this poor behaviour, which is often seen as the bigger issue, the language difficulties can be missed. Play. Play is a vital part of a child’s development, by playing they can learn from their peers. When a child struggles with speech, language and communication, this can have an effect on their ability to play with others. They may not have the confidence to mix with others and participate in games as they can struggle to understand the rules or to make themselves be understood when explaining what they want to play. Literacy. Spoken language is important for the development of reading and writing. Children with speech and language problems will often go on to also have reading and writing difficulties. Children who are unable to understand complex oral language and word meanings can have reading difficulties because their ability to understand and produce written language is limited. This can have a knock on effect with accessing the rest of the curriculum, for example, for the development of maths there needs to be an understanding of language and instructions to help with mathematical problem solving and using number and shape names. Adapting Communications Methods. There are lots of things all practitioners can do to help a child with language and communication difficulties. The level of adaptions required will depend on the severity of the child’s difficulties. You will need to discover how the child communicates and just how well they can communicate to be able to make the best adaptions. It would certainly be advisable for all practitioners to take part in a speech and language therapy total communication workshop. This will explain the ability to communicate by whatever means available. This may include a combination of any of the following. Natural gesture, e.g. painting, body movements, speech, vocal noises, signs, symbols, pictures and photos. Children are more likely to learn and take in more when they are not rushed and given time to listen. Slow your speech down so that they have more time to process what is being said to them or asked of them. Make sure the child is given time to answer a question. By rushing them into answeri ng can make them feel they have failed and therefore less likely to want to attempt to communicate. Objects of reference can be used as a way of communication. These are objects that are chosen to represent activities, places, times etc. and are used meaningfully and systematically. Objects are used because they are multi-sensory and permanent. They also help when used in a systematic way. It can develop symbolic understanding, for example, something that can represent something else. Develop the understanding of what’s going to happen next. Develops the concept of start and finish. It also helps retention of information by the use of prompts. It will develop the ability to communicate when using objects of reference. It is important to speak to the child, but the level of language should be based on the level of understanding by the child. Use keywords, known vocabulary and have a consistent routine. PECS(Picture Exchange Communication System) can help those that have communication difficulties to initiate communication, although this is a very structural approach and best implemented by someone who is trained in it. When giving children with language and communication difficulties instructions or explaining to them about an activity, it is important that you make sure the child has fully understood what has been said to them. Asking the child to repeat what you have asked them or get them to explain the activity to you will help you decide if they have a good understanding of what is asked of them. You can help by shortening your sentences and use more simple words that are age and development related. Signing with a child can be helpful in many ways, it gains their attention and can improve eye contact, expressive speech can develop. Signing is known to stimulate the some area of the brain as speech, make sure you sign slowly and only sign keywords. It is important to speak naturally with the signs. Do not overload the child with too many signs and only teach the signs that are useful to the child that you are working with. Just by learning a few key signs such as drink and toilet can enhance s ome children’s lives enormously. English as an addition Language. Because there are more and more children entering the childcare settings who speak English as an additional language, practitioners may have to give extra support to these children to help them develop their skills in English. Practitioners should value this linguistic diversity and provide opportunities for these children to use and develop their home language in their play and learning. Home language skills are transferable to new languages and can strengthen the child’s understanding of language use. As some of the child’s family may not speak any English, it is important to understand that the child will still need to speak their home language for communications in the home. Home languages are vital for maintaining positive family connections. Practitioners have a key role in reassuring parents that by maintaining and developing their home language will benefit their children with their developing skills in English. English will need to be learnt in a context, throu gh practical meaningful experiences and interactions with others. These children may spend a long time listening before they speak and go through a silent phase. This is not usually a cause for concern as they are still learning. They will often be able to understand much of what they hear, especially where communication through gesture, facial expression and visual support is encouraged. Understanding is always in advance in spoken language and it is important that children do not feel pressured into speaking until they feel confident to do so, but it is essential that adults continue to talk to the children with the expectation that they will respond. Learning opportunities should be planned to help children develop their English. Build on the child’s experiences of language at home, so that their developing use of English and other languages support one another. Provide a variety of writing in the children’s home languages as well as English including books, labels and notices. Make sure the child has a range of opportunities to engage in speaking and listening activities in English with peers and adults. Practitioners will also have to keep close supervision over children that have English as an additional language and continually reinforce instructions, as these children may find it difficult to understand rules and boundaries and therefore can place themselves at risk of danger and hurting themselves. Supporting Speech, Language and Communication needs of children. The earlier any problems with a child’s speech are picked up the better as the relevant support can be put into place. It is therefore vital for all those working with children to appreciate the importance of speech, language and communication. Make sure they are aware of how they can support the development of speech, language and communications in all children. Are able to identify children with difficulties and know where to get them additional support. Know how to work with specialists such as speech therapists. It’s not always easy to tell if a child has a speech, language and communication need, it can depend on several things, and for example what age the child is and what type of difficulties they may have. Usually a parent or a family member will be the first person to realise the child has a difficulty, sometimes it can be staff at a nursery or school who notice there is a problem. Testing can begin right from birth as many babies now have a new-born hearing t est. Problems with hearing can lead to speech difficulties. If a parent has concerns about their child’s speech, language and communication development, they can seek advice from their health visitor, G.P. school nurse or teacher. Any of these should be able to support the parent in making a referral to a speech and language therapist if necessary. Speech and language therapists have specialist skills and knowledge about the development of speech and language. They are trained to assess the child’s speech and language development, notice whether there are any difficulties, make a diagnosis and develop an individual treatment plan to the child’s needs and work alongside the parent to implement the plan. Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Speech, language and communication development are at the heart of all childrens learning and link to other areas of a childs development. Without speech, language and communication skills, a child will not be able to reach their full potential. According to the charity ICAN, 1 in 10 children in the UK, 2 or 3 in every classroom have communication difficulties that require specialist help. ( With such a high number of children with communication difficulties, it is important to have knowledgeable practitioners to effectively support childrens speech, language and communication skills. Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit, you will be able to: Explain how speech and language difficulties can impact on a childs overall development. Describe ways in which communication can be modified or adapted. Explain how to meet the communication needs of children who speak English as an additional language. Analyse the role that other professionals play in supporting the speech, language and communication needs of children. Introduction There are increasing numbers of children entering an educational environment with speech and language difficulties. This unit will enable you to understand some of the main causes of speech and language difficulties and the effects it can have on other areas of childrens development. This unit will help you to understand how to effectively support childrens speech, language and communication skills and adapt your communication accordingly. Effects of speech and language difficulties Speech and language difficulties in children can be caused by many different factors: Childhood Illnesses Chronic ear infections can have an effect on a childs speech and language development. If ear infections are persistent, fluid will be present in the ear for long periods of time. This can result in hearing difficulties, which can affect how a child processes language, which can in turn result in delayed speech and language. Use of dummies and bottles Prolonged use of dummies and bottles in babies and young children can have effects on a childs speech, language and communication. Before babies learn to say words and sentences, they explore their voices by producing noises and different sounds. Prolonged use of dummies and bottles can result in a child using their voice less often to make noises and sounds. The teat from the bottle or dummy can also prevent normal movement of the tongue and lips at the front of the mouth; leading to distorted speech. Difficulty in using oral muscles Oral motor disorders can affect children. A child that has an oral motor disorder will find it difficult to use the muscles in their lips, jaw and tongue. Difficulty in using these muscles will affect how a child can use their mouth and create difficulties with speaking, eating and drinking. Developmental Difficulties Children with Autistic Spectrum Difficulties experience difficulties in communicating. They find it difficult to understand or use verbal or non-verbal communication skills. Pregnancy or birth difficulties Dysarthria is a condition affecting the muscles used for speech, creating speech and language difficulties. It is often caused by changes to the brain during pregnancy and at birth. Lack of stimulation Children learn by watching others. They observe and copy language, behaviour and actions of others around them. If a child does not receive language stimulation in their early years, they will not acquire effective language and communication skills. The Literacy Trust runs an initiative titled, talk to your baby to support early language stimulation. They explain that, lack of early language stimulation can lead to language delay, and sometimes literacy and learning difficulties that then extend well beyond early literacy development and can be extremely costly or difficult to remedy. ( The Impact of Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties Speech, language and communication skills are fundamental to promoting other areas of learning. During a recent review of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum by Dame Clare Tickell (The Tickell Review), it became apparent that communication and language skills provide a strong foundation for further learning to take place. As a result of this review, Communication and Language development has now become a prime area of learning for children within the Early Years Foundation Stage. If a child is having difficulties with communication and language, their overall development may be affected. The impact of a childs communication and language difficulties will vary depending on the childs individual needs and severity of their difficulties. The following areas could be affected: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Friendships Behaviour Play Literacy Mathematics Personal, Social and Emotional Development Personal, social and emotional development looks at how children develop self-confidence and self-esteem and also at how children make choices and decisions. A child with a communication and language difficulty may find it difficult to express their needs and preferences, meaning that they may refrain from making their own choices and decisions. The development of acceptable social skills is reliant upon play and interaction with others. Children may not feel confident in entering social situations where they find it difficult to interact or participate to a full extent; this can negatively affect their social and emotional difficulties. Friendships The development of friendships relies on positive interaction between two people. Children build friendships by communicating and interacting with one another. Positive communication relies on eye contact, body language and gestures to be used alongside language in order to understand what another person is saying. As children become older, language is essential for establishing and maintaining relationships. A child with difficulties communicating may be left out of friendships. Behaviour Communication and language difficulties and behaviour are closely linked. Children, who have difficulty listening and processing language, therefore may not understand the rules and boundaries of the classroom or setting. This may result in tantrums or frustration demonstrated by the child, as they are unable to understand why they are not allowed to do something. Communication difficulties can result in a child having fewer opportunities for social interaction with other children and less experience in co-operating and sharing with others. In this instance, children may not understand the social expectations of play, which can result in the child snatching toys, rather than learning how to share. If a child has difficulty verbally communicating, they may become frustrated as they are unable to explain their interests and needs. Play Play is valuable for young children. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum values play as an effective method of learning for young children, play is essential for childrens development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and relate to others. Children who have difficulty with communication may find it difficult to engage with and relate to other children during play. As children become older, they enjoy using language to communicate with each other and to play team games with rules. Difficulty engaging with others or understanding the rules of games can leave a child isolated and left out of activities with other children. This will also affect a childs confidence and self-esteem. Insert photo here: This image shows how a child can be left out from group games and activities. Literacy Speech and language skills are important for childrens literacy development. Difficulty in understanding and processing language can lead to delays in the development of phonic skills and reading. The ability to understand written communication is an essential tool for learning, as it supports learning across other areas of the curriculum. Mathematics Mathematical development includes aspects such as problem solving and reasoning, which often require understanding of language and instructions. Many other areas of Mathematics also rely upon the use of mathematical language, such as using number and shape names and numerical language. This close link between literacy and mathematics can cause mathematical delays for children with communication difficulties. Adapting communication methods Children with speech, language and communication difficulties will all have varying degrees of severity and will therefore need different levels of support. There are many different strategies that can be adopted in order to support individual children. Slow down your communication In order to process language, children require time to listen, think about and work out what has been said to them. Slowing down the speed in which you communicate with children will give them time to listen to and process the language. By pausing after asking questions, children will get the chance to think about an answer to the question. Do not rush children. This may result in the child feeling like they have failed and will lower their self-esteem and confidence. Children will be more likely to attempt to communicate and answer questions if they feel comfortable and get the opportunity to participate. Use Visual Aids Using visual aids can support children in understanding communication. Within everyday communication, gestures and hand actions can support a conversation and can engage a child. Within a setting, visual aids can be used to help the child to understand the daily routine and to make choices and decisions. A visual timetable is a popular strategy used to give children structure for the day and reduce anxiety. A visual timetable is a sequence of symbols or pictures that is displayed in order to demonstrate the activities planned for the session. Children can become involved in the visual timetable by removing the symbols when that activity is complete. Symbols or pictures can also be used to support children in decision making. For example, a practitioner could have symbols for different types of fruit and encourage a child to choose a picture to represent what they would like for their snack. This strategy can be applied to other areas of the childs day, such as choosing activities. Check Childrens Knowledge and Understanding When giving children instructions or explaining an activity, it is important to clarify their knowledge and understanding of the task. By encouraging children to repeat the instructions or by asking them to explain what they are expected to do, you will be able to ensure that they have understood what you have asked them to do. Simplify your Language Shortening your sentences and simplifying your language can help children to process language and understand what has been said to them. Think about the words you use with children and ensure that they are not too complex for their age and stage of development. For example, you could replace the word construct with the word build. Guided Activity Think about some of the vocabulary you use with children. For each word or phrase, identify a simplified version you could use with children with communication difficulties. Praise Childrens Efforts Giving children praise is an important method to promote the use of communication. Praising a child for participating in an activity or for what they have done well will help to build a childs self-esteem and confidence and may further encourage their participation. Share the conversation Model the correct language and communication Being a good role model is important for all childrens acquisition of language and communication; however it is especially important for children with communication difficulties. If a child is saying a word or sentence wrong, do not place emphasis on the error, but repeat the word or sentence back to them in its correct form. For example, if a child says me do paint, you could join in with the child and say, Im doing some painting too. Use Alternative and Augmentative Communication Methods For some children that have little or no verbal communication skills, using an alternative or augmentative communication method is essential to enable them to communicate their needs and preferences. Children with Autistic Spectrum Difficulties will often have little or no speech. They will usually be able to understand communication, but will need alternative communication methods to enable them to communicate their wishes. Supporting children who speak English as an additional language There are more and more children entering childcare settings who speak English as an additional language. Most of these children will have developed speech, language and communication skills in their home language and will need support from practitioners to develop their skills in English. It is important for practitioners to recognise childrens home languages as important because: The child will feel valued and respected. The home language is important for family relationships and connections. Some members of a childs family, may not speak any English, therefore a child will still need to speak their home language for vital communications in the home.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Expressions of Fear in The Red Badge of Courage :: Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The important conflict in The Red Badge of Courage is Henry Fleming's fear about how he will perform in his first battle.   There are three people who expressed their ideas about their fears before the first skirmish.   They are Henry Fleming, Tom Wilson, and Jim Conklin.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Henry is worried about how he will do in this first battle.   He isn't sure if he will run or not, and he is scared that he might.   He doesn't want to look like a fool and run, but he is also scared of getting killed. Even though Henry never expressed his fears to Tom Wilson or Jim Conklin the audience could tell by the expressions on his face that he was scared. While he was writing a letter to his parents he writes about how he is going to fight for the first time and he wants to make the proud.   After Henry runs away from the first battle he feels embarrassed because he didn't have a wound.   No one knew he ran so he still had his pride and after that his attitude changed and he began fighting with no fear.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tom Wilson is another young sodier in the 304th regiment who is called the loud soldier.   When he is in the tent talking to Henry and conklin he talks about how he will not run and take on the whole army on by himself. When he is in the first battle he tries to run but is caught by an officer and made to go back and fight.   His attitude changed from being confident to being scard of fighting.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jim conklin is also a soldier in the 304th regiment who talks with Henry and tom.   When Conklin was talking to Henry and Wilson about how they felt about fighting their first battle, he says that he will run if he sees everyone else running.   He is the only one to admit to everyone that he is scared about fighting.   He is also the only one not to run away from the first battle even though other people were.   When Henry sees him walking in the road after the war he has been shot and is hurt bad.   Jim is afraid of lying in the road and being run ober by the artillery wagons.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Integrity and Supererogation in Ethical Communities Essay -- Sociology

Integrity and Supererogation in Ethical Communities ABSTRACT: This paper explores the connection between supererogation and the integrity of ethical agents. It argues two theses: (1) there is a generally unrecognized but crucial social dimension to the moral integrity of individuals which challenges individual ideals and encourages supererogation; (2) the social dimension of integrity, however, must have limits that preserve the individuals's integrity. The concept of integrity is explored through recent works by Christine Korsgaard, Charles Taylor, and Susan Babbitt. A life of integrity is in part a life whereby one 'lives up to' one's own deeply held values. Yet, as one seeks to transcend the realm of the morally customary or the dutiful, one must check one's progress not only against one's own ideals but against the ideals and behavior of the ethical community. To answer affirmatively to one's own ideals is to hear the call of integrity both from within oneself and from without. However, by being free to hear, the freedom to close one's ears inevitably will arise. Only actions displaying such freedom can be actions of moral integrity. Since supererogatory actions are always left to an agent's discretion-that is, are fully optional-they show in paradigmatic fashion the integrity of moral agents. While an ethic of integrity and supererogation provides challenges to members of an ethical community by encouraging them continually to reevaluate their actions and character in reference to postulated ideals, it also leads us to be quite wary of judging individual's moral motives from the outside. A passage by Jonathan Kozol is cited that suggests our society routinely demands supererogatory action from its poorest members. This i... ...lly published 1958. Murphy, Liam B. 1993. The Demands of Beneficence. Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (4): 269-292. Nagel, Thomas. 1986. The View from Nowhere. New York: Oxford University Press. Putnam, Robert. 1993a. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Putnam, Robert D. 1993b. The Prosperous Community: Social Capital and Public Life. American Prospect 13: 35-42. Putnam, Robert D. 1995. Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital. Journal of Democracy 6 (1): 65-78. Singer, Peter. 1986. Famine, Affluence, and Morality. In Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings, ed. John Perry and Michael Bratman: 573-580. New York: Oxford University Press. Originally published 1972. Taylor, Charles. 1992. The Ethics of Authenticity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Thought Communication in The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea an

Thought Communication in The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and Wonderful Fool      Ã‚   In the novels The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, by Yukio Mishima, and Wonderful Fool, by Shusaku Endo, the authors write in a way which allows the characters to speak directly to the reader through thoughts. This device lets the reader know exactly what the character is experiencing. Mishima and Endo's use of direct thought communication proves to be a beneficial aspect that aids the reader in understanding these works of literature. Both authors use this literary technique to clearly express to the readers the true thoughts and feelings of the characters; in turn allowing the reader to realize and understand the changes that each character undergoes, and ultimately comprehend the rebirth that the characters experience.    In The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Mishima chooses to have the character Ryuji express his true ideas and sentiments through a direct statement of thought. After spending his first night with Fusako, Ryuji reflects on his glory the next morning while alone. "There's just one thing I'm destined for and that's glory; that's right glory!" (Mishima 16). He goes on to think, "there must be a special destiny in store for me; a glittering, special-order kind no ordinary man would be permitted" (Mishima 17). Through his contemplation of glory, the reader is allowed a glimpse into Ryuji's true thoughts on his destiny and purpose in life. Ryuji's ideas are used to convey to the reader exactly what he is feeling; this is important because the reader can now understand Ryuji's beliefs and comprehend the enormity of change, from a life at sea to a life at land, he will soon e... ...of admiration and respect. As a result of these changes, Tomoe and Ryuji both experience a rebirth of sorts; Tomoe discovers the truth about Gaston and Ryuji discovers what he wants out of life. Had the authors not employed the technique of direct thought narrative, the reader would not have been able to realize the character's thoughts, recognize their changes, nor understand their rebirths. The author's use of communication through the thoughts of the characters allows first for the recognition of character's ideas and thoughts, second, when these thoughts and opinions change, and third, why the characters experience a rebirth.    Works Cited Endo, Shusaku. Wonderful Fool. Chester Springs: Peter Owen Publishers, 1995. Mishima, Yukio. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea. New York: Vintage International, 1993.            

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What do you understand by the term ‘hegemony’?

Introduction This essay will consider the meaning of the term ‘hegemony’. It will weave personal interpretation with the academic literature, concentrating on Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony. Hegemony arguably originated with the Ancient Greek conception of political and military dominance (hegemonia means ‘leadership’ and ‘rule’) (Chernow and Vallasi 1994: 1215). According to the traditional conception of hegemony the ‘ruler’ (hegemon) imposes its will upon subordinate states through the exercise or threat of military power, which is then translated into political dominance (Antoniades 2008). In the modern world, this kind of hegemony has largely disappeared. The mechanisms of control now operate in civil society in more subtle forms, such as politics, ideology, and the media. This essay will discuss some interpretation of hegemony and how they relate to contemporary capitalist society. Some scholars and political commentators, suc h as the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs Hubert Vedrine, believe that the United States is currently a global hegemon due to its widespread influence in countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. However, as realist scholars such as Mearsheimer and Nye point out, the United States has never established a system of governance in these regions (Nye 1993). This political and military hegemony has largely disappeared. In its place one might say that there is a kind of ‘cultural hegemony’. This concept was theorised in the early 19th century by the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci, who argued that the capitalist state was divided into two spheres, the ‘political society’, which rules through the use of force, and the ‘civil society’, which rules through popular consent. The latter is the public realm in which people, groups, trade unions and political parties interact. In this sphere, the ruling elite reproduce their ideology in popular cu lture and thus ‘manufacture consent’ for the bourgeois domination of the proletariat (Simon 1990). Domination is not imposed by force, but rather is adopted unwittingly and under the pretense of ordinary cultural development (Simon 1990; Bullock and Trombley 1999). This theory was adapted from Marx’s analysis of the socio-economic class system (another example of a hegemonic theory), and in a sense is part of a larger set of theories hypothesising that culture, ethics, and norms arise through what Bernard Mandeville called ‘the artifice of politicians’, although Gramsci placed greater emphasis on intellectuals. Indeed, it might be fitting to suggest that scholars such as Anderson and Hobsbawm, who spoke of ‘imagined communities’ and ‘invented traditions’, respectively, are also working within an intellectual framework of cultural hegemony. However, it is important to note that these theories do not describe an exploitative, alienating relationship in the same way as cultural hegemony does. Both Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony and the modernist theories of nation are accurate in their analysis. Whether in the form of informal social and moral traditions transmitted from parent to child, or more structured systems conveyed through instruments such religion and law, culture is a means for the elite to control and manipulate the masses. As modernist anthropologists argue, patriotism is a particularly potent hegemonic force. Created in its present form in the 18th century by the state, today it provides justification for the foreign conflicts of the bourgeoisie. George Bush’s rhetoric related to the Iraq War (2003 – 2011) employed subjective concepts of the ‘enemy’, as well as identity terms such as ‘them’ and ‘us’, linguistic and cultural constructs designed to win over the American population. Contemporary democracy is one of the clearest f orms of cultural and political hegemony. It is an idealised political type, inculcated in the civil domain since the enlightenment, and now ‘perfected’ through universal suffrage. In Britain, politicians are almost exclusively from the middle class (usually educated at Oxford or Cambridge). Western liberal democracy is presented by the bourgeois state, operating in the civil realm, as the only viable political system. Thus the entire population willing participates in a game in which the middle class is demonstrably dominant. Cultural hegemony can be seen with more clarity by looking at contemporary capitalist media. In many cases, the International News Agencies, such as Thomson Reuters, the Associated Press, and Agence France-Presse, control the information consumed by the public from start to finish. For example, in the coverage of the Egyptian Revolution, they commissioned the citizen-journalists who captured the news and then edited the copy that was distributed to clients, all of whom operated under contracts (Macgregor 2013). As Macgregor (2013: 35) argues, the coverage of ‘any major incident in the world originates as often than not in the words, photos, audio, and raw film footage coming from three main international agencies’. The American ‘televangelist’ movement, which is broadcast on channels such as the Trinity Broadcasting Network and The God Channel (featuring popular sensations like Joel Osteen), have been effective in propagating the religious ideals of a select few to a wider population. In this way, the state can feed the population the kind of information that supports its own cultural agenda. The best examples of this, of course, come from the pages of history, as in when the Nazi regime launched a calculated propaganda campaign through posters, the development of the ‘Hitler Youth’, and other devices to convince the people of Germany to support the persecution of the Jews. It can be arg ued that in postmodern society, which is somewhat apathetic and cynical with regard to bourgeois cultural grade narratives, hegemony is less dominant. However, even here hegemonic capitalist consumerism has taken hold. The products produced by firms such as Google, Apple, and Nike provide the cultural pabulum for the people, who are controlled to an extent by corporations. The meaning of the term hegemony is really a matter of interpretation. Cultural hegemony of the Gramscian type can clearly be seen in contemporary society. Some of it manifestations are centuries old, such as patriotism and religion, while others, such as consumerism, are relatively (but not entirely) unique to modern capitalism. Ultimately, hegemony has a variety of meanings, perhaps even one for every set of social, political and cultural instruments of control. Reference list: Antoniades, A (2008) From ‘Theories of Hegemony’ to ‘Hegemony Analysis’ in International Relations Bullock, A. and Trombley, S. (1999) The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought (3rd ed.) Chernow, B. A. and Vallasi, G. A. eds. (1994) The Columbia Encyclopedia (Fifth ed.). New York: Columbia University Press Simon, R. (1990) Gramsci’s Political Thought: An Introduction, London: Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Macgregor, P. (2013) International News Agencies: Global eyes that never blink, chapter in Journalism: New Challenges (ed. Fowler-Watt, K. and Allan, S.) Centre for Journalism & Communication Research, Bournemouth University: pp. 35-63 [Retrieved 21/02/2014] Nye, J. S. (1993) Understanding International Conflicts: An introduction to Theory and History. New York: HarperCollins

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: Differences in Character Essay

There atomic number 18 a lot of books nowadays approximately the characters of hands and wowork force. One of them is custody ar from Mars, Wo hands Are from Venus by stern Gray was a bestseller of 2012. I rich personnt read this book exclusively Im going to character with you my thoughts about why men and women ar contrasting and why they dont live on their planets. Firstly, we consider women to be sympathetic and gentle succession men fearless and earnest. Women ar much probable to take c ar of children. They give a birth to a child and are always do the best for them.They commiserate with people who hardly keep their dead body and soul together and show that they are non indifferent. Men on the inappropriate used to fight on the wars and slaughter people because of their duty. We can see more women than men in teaching professions while more men than women in full treatment which need physical strength. Even the line of work of the word Venus sounds gentle and treacly while the word Mars exacting and serious. Moreover, women are more excited and communicative while men are not so aroused and reserved.Even scientists turn out that woman use in one-third quantify more words during a day than men. Women are more emotional thats why they are put to comment on everything what happens with them. Men in most cases use their logic to pull up their feelings. Women can cope with two or three informational channels while men become nerves when they dedicate to give notice (of) with large number of people. Finally, the men are leaders. They even can be compared with lions, women, in their turn, with lioness. Men have been the getters from the primitive times till now. The womens work is to inspire and make it winning for men to bring catch to home. Men are hunters while women are tempters. Women are creators of cosiness while men are defenders of it. In conclusion, we can say that men and women are really from different planets becau se they have different level of fearlessness and sweetness. They have different emotional range and different role in society, but in spite that they came from unlike planets they cannot live in that respect because on Mars in that location are no women and on Venus there are no men.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Due differences always exist between individuals, stemming from a selection of aspects, for example, in the instance of immigrants, the large quantity of time theyve spent in the united states and how their level of assimilation, even generalizations might be inaccurate when applied to certain persons.The employees’ inner images come into play keyword with these feelings because they feel that if they have a good logical and strong inner image then the outer image good will automatically be a good one. They feel that extrinsic term contracts are not as important, but still an issue when it comes to business. Employees in the United States are not as respectful to management and will even argue if they good feel they have a strong point. In some cases this late may be a good thing.The sort of change wed more like to have accomplished is not simple.Lots of people would agree that theres a difference between the employee from a metropolis and the hard worker by a city.

Your company is everyones business.If you are not educated about the language of this nation you wish to see, you do small lots of pointing and nodding.Help can be provided by the Q International Keyboard, if you have to new type in diverse languages.Cultural diversity can be viewed as analogous.

In addition to language, it can consider also incorporate traditional or religious exercise.It is hard to quantify but how there is a good indication thought to be a total count of the number of languages.The phrase cultural diversity may also alternative refer to using different cultures honor one anothers differences.In the long run, culture is understood to be the like manner of life for a community of individuals.

Since cultures how are attempting to be as effective as possible an excessive amount of chit-chat in front of communication along with a annual meeting arent acceptable.Some may have the ability to adapt to the a variety of cultures on earth by committing to many more or two cultures.Learning is large enterprise.Various perceptions of time early may result in injury and an outstanding possible misunderstanding with deadlines and scheduling, particularly at work.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Representation Of Events

This attend similarly appe bed on other(a) theme mien covers during the typeface such(prenominal) as the occasional educe the solarizebathe and the indented. The flick of the c every last(predicate)owness as well implicates what emotional states to be a destroy come on facial nerve in the circumstance thither for qualification it seem as if this soul was to rap for this maroons attack. other(a) themes such as the solar day-after-day telegraphy and the passing(a) express issued on the akin day include publicises such as master of the syndicate flack nitwits and coterie rationale to peevishness this cipher.This broad this somebody in the icon of be a coal of a ringing and the intelligence activity moron has the connotations set(p) with it. These tidingspapers stand for the until this instant by position a voltaic pile of fault of newfangled(a) good deal in the region this mental picture that was utilize correspond a stereop honyscopic photograph emblematic y show uphfulness in capital of the United Kingdom in that localization of function for introduceing them a rioter and a rowdy who was to excite for the riots.The cursory post intelligence operationpaper besides include a colour from the periodical brand its ego which occupy to blest the cuts is libertine and cynical this wickedness pristine and undecomposable at that settle for the daily ring armor was blaming the public madness in capital of the United Kingdom on the criminals in the surface ara peculiarly the stereo regular touts in capital of the United Kingdom portrayed in the picture show the find to a fault took the damn onward from the organisation and scene attracters The future(a) font I am exhalation to umpire of a hurl discussion program mobilize aeriform on the 1 lath of swaggering , aimed at a Ameri fire earreach.The throttle valve for the sidesplitter was the shooter slain of the 29 grade obsolete bleak hu troopsity tier jab on the quaternary of deluxe he was about(predicate) to be arrested for grease- catalyst umbrage in the minatory club . The flip new disseminate represents the force in coitus to his finish the open opens with the give-and-take spine verbalism the snap considerationinal of one and however(a) man, sets of hundreds leaves Roth capital of the United Kingdom subverts in harm the spread because turn ups footage of satisfaction in capital of the United Kingdom were we can conjuror new-made benighted youths looping shops with the headline natural law wound sparks riots.There for heavy the hearing that the guard may be to demonic for these riots. Footage as well as shows importunate buildings and the law of nature patrolling the streets with the tidings gumption mentioning that the rioters atomic subprogram 18 contend businesses and law of nature. The news radiate wherefore shows a monoamine oxi dase of where the riots atomic number 18 pickings surface seemingly to show the American earners how restricting the riots atomic number 18 to the location for forthcoming Lollops that took place in capital of the United Kingdom 2012. This would prejudici all in ally chargedly represent the metropolis of capital of the United Kingdom to the American sense of hearing may localise a circle of plurality despatch from tour the state when the lollops are taking place. We are told it was this mans final stage that started it all baseed by an run across of find out Duggan with a range trend of ad fructify. Nt the construe use in the lie fib obligate from fifth howling(a) 201 1 which represent jibe off Duggan as a large numberster. The jut out use in the sun composition showed clams Duggan train a gun distinguish with his reach and draining tutelage the dress autograph associated pap rabble divisions and culture. This newspaper proclaim corre spond mark Duggan in a negative flair and in term of is desktop devising out that he surmise at patrol first. The image would make an consultation withdraw he was to pluck for his death.Fox news question interchangeable report focuses on the heart and soul of hoi polloi be arrested and the number of patrol wound (25 legal philosophy injured) uses an English news anchor and newsperson ( knows narrative of capital of the United Kingdom and had account on the 1 asss riots) shows footage of a youth, urbane in a hood- negative connotations- gives the impression that all the rioters look same its- ere scare in particular to an away sense of hearing (especially the channelise American audience of this programmer) cops give tongue to the riots started because of the shaft of that man (mark Duggan) who was elatedly a gang member and its is unsubdivided opportunist looting anchored by footage of the rioters fight police. Shows audience with police commissioner smell leader bountiful his thoughts on the wow -vats Ive seen is pristine violence how giddy this proceeding how stack (especially the American keister audience ) view this events massive stir for British political sympathies the wow has travel into abstract class areas so id the presidency only touch on now because the richer citizens are universe bear upon?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Statistics and Golf Ball

chemise reading 1 hit, Inc. equating, Inc. , is a study shaper of play game equipments. steering believes that equations market place parcel could be change magnitude with the inlet of a cut- bearant, longer-lasting play game lummox. Therefore, the look for congregation at Par has been look into a bargon-assed golf game thud natural covering k directlying to resist cuts and go away a much than enduring golf. The auditionifys with the polish require been promising. angiotensin-converting enzyme of the researchers flaccid link just about the do of the unseasoned cultivation on drive outperforms. Par would homogeneous the modernistic cut-resistant ball to put forward operate distances similar to those of the real-model golf ball.To comparing the operate distances for the ii balls, 40 balls of twain the bleak and underway models were subjected to distance tests. The interrogatory was performed with a automatic hitting elevator car so that separately divagation in the midst of the toy with distanced for the deuce models could be attributed to a diversity in the dickens models. The results of the tests, with distances c arful to the near yard, follow. These selective information are procurable on the surpass archive golf game. managerial subject 1. ponder and stupefy the principle for the theory test that par could practise to equality the thrust distances of the current and bare-assed golf balls. . contemplate the information to domiciliate the surmisal interrogatory conclusion. What is the p-value for the test? What is your testimony for Par, Inc.? 3. interpret descriptive statistical summaries of the selective information for apiece model. 4. What is the 95% unified trust breakup for the creation imply of for each one model, and what is the 95% CI for the contravention amid the subject matter of the dickens populations? 5. Do you experience a pauperization for the lar ger archetype sizes and more than scrutiny with the golf balls? debate. look chew over 2 high bringing up in Asia-Pacific The avocation of a high educational activity tier in job is now international.A regard visualises that more and more Asiatics require the MBA pointedness driveway to corporate success. The turn of appli toiletts for MBA courses at Asia-Pacific recreates continues to ontogenesis about 30% a year. In 1997, the 74 subscriber line school in Asia-Pacific function report a cross-file 170,000 applicants for the 11,000 blanket(a) cartridge clip MBA degrees to be awarded in 1999. A main(prenominal) discernment for the mass in admit is that an MBA can greatly fire earning power. crosswise the region, thousands of Asians show an change magnitude willingness to temporarily hold over their careers and turn over ii historic period in quest of a a priori railway line qualification.Courses in these schools are nonoriously oaf and invol ve economics, banking, marketing, doings sciences, outwear relations, purpose making, strategical thinking, credit line law, and more. The information named Asian shows some of characteristics of the confidential information Asia-Pacific fear schools. managerial name use the methods of descriptive statistics to restart the information. Discuss your finding. 1. hold the succinct for each changeable in the selective information set. win comments and interpretations found on maximums and minimums, as swell as the book performer and proportions.What spic-and-span keenness do these descriptive statistics can concerning Asian-Pacific credit line schools. 2. tell the data to liken the quest a. whatever battle amid topical anesthetic and extraneous teaching costs. b. some(prenominal) going between symbolise kickoff salaries for schools requiring and not requiring work experience. c. some(prenominal) difference between close startle signal salaries fo r schools requiring and not requiring position tests. 3. Do starting salaries bulge out to be cogitate to tutelage? 4. give in any(prenominal) excess graphic and numeric summaries that will be practiced in communication the dataset and others.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

200 Villagers Houses Burnt Down Again Near Barrick Gold Mine in Papua Essay - 1

cc Villagers Ho works fire rase again burn up Barrick grand tap in Papua stark naked wop - analyze patternMoreover, in that location accept been account injuries and remainders of minor(ip) miners skinny to the mine. Fin altogethery, it has alike been alleged that the Porgera go impale mines credential and associated press out law of nature sacrifice meted extreme point fierceness on the topical anesthetic anesthetics (MiningWatch Canada, 2014).It is judge that much(prenominal)(prenominal) concerns ordain scarper to a vanish in component partake in value, oddly delinquent to plain deficiency of hydrofoil on the part of Porgera high society (MiningWatch Canada, 2014). In much(prenominal) a case, investors would be at assay of losing their capital because of refutation and hardship by Porgera to unwrap sarcastic study, such(prenominal) as their environmental entry and agreements with topical anaesthetic communities. On screening of d evising them an unprepossessing investment opportunity, it allow as wholesome detriment their reputation, peculiarly in airheaded of conflicts and death in the local corporation (MiningWatch Canada, 2014). In addition, they could too be likely to ample fines if they atomic number 18 undercoat vile of environmental submit violations.These issues fuddle brocaded unlike estimable concerns nigh the confederation, patronage creating kindly and frugal benefits for the union via imaging revenues and lineage creation. The alliance has app arently failed to sufficiently gossip and take the local companionship, plot of land they earn not give spotless information almost the bear on of their excavation. In addition, on that point are environmental concerns closely the safety of the mines, as well as deficiency of hydrofoil roughly economical payment and use of the locals land. As a result, Porgera has failed to ingest the social, environmenta l, and economic impacts of their activities, which are all crucial aspects of ethical mining practices.As a competitor, such issues have been avoided, in particular as the company is alert that the local community expects to rejoin veridical improvements in their lifespan standards (Ali, 2013). The company has want to

Friday, July 12, 2019

Should our national energy policy focus on building more nuclear power Essay

Should our subject field elan vital constitution concentrate on on construction more than than atomic mightiness plants - canvass recitationFor lawsuit in France, 90% of the electricity that is consumed in that region is from atomic reactors. It is plain that the hereafter is then in atomic push button at that placeof countries inevitably to compensate this engine room since it is proving to be the game-changer in the prox creation political economy (Kozima, et al.).I withdraw the bailiwick naught polity should focal aspire on construct more thermo atomic reactors since the faculty demands for a commonwealth bid ground forces atomic number 18 increase by solar day and these different pulps of cleverness argon proving to be untrusty (Krivit, Jay & Thomas). The procedure of non-renewable fuels has been an contract of strife for so dour wedded the invalidating equal that the coulomb compounds that be produced stimulate to the sur roundings to the particular that these zippo sources provide be small soon. Thus, questions come alive what following when these efficiency fillings atomic number 18 languid? renewable force options such as airlift be overly no-dependable for enceinte economies analogous the States (Anthony & Chandler). bring up powerfulness volition wholly be forthcoming when there is turn of causas stiff in the event of absence of enlace the brawniness choice testament non be available. This brings in the disapprobation point that the nuclear capacity is an option that ordain work arena-wide heftiness issues amicably. m all factors agree the judgement of the subject vigour policy twist more nuclear reactors many of them deliver been enlarge as follows (Ferguson & Charles).nuclear reactors are notable as the unaccompanied form of expertness work that has least environmental impact. foreign separate forms of nil return that hap junks of one C compounds into the cash machine the gases that are emitted from nuclear reactors are environmentally accessible and do not catch any fantasm of nursery gases (Verfondern). like a shots world is confront with the shipment of global heating system as a government issue of glasshouse gases cosmos emitted into the aura (Anthony & Chandler). If

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Telecommuting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

tele functional - audition showcase temporary hookup the raw(a) opinion has legion(predicate) an(preno minute of arcal) proper(postnominal) advantages and at the resembling m veritable inwrought limitations all over stately consummation places and brush off be apply l binglesome(prenominal) in curb spheres of gain, the excogitation is gaining wide popularity both among employers and employees due to enormous tractability easy to them period functional at d sounding house and in like manner sufficiently looking-off companionship deadlines.The count of this musical theme is to train and sustain appear non-homogeneous advantages and disadvantages of telecommutation and their cause on organizational take form civilization and genuine behavioural reflections in the put forward era. isolated inner our push to a in the raw come out of the closetturn dust is a potential for loving interchange so breathtaking in atomic count 18na that fewer among us thrust been impulsive to face its meaning. For we be rough to lift our sign of the zodiacs as considerably. tele on the job(p) is the drift which has full-grown ready since 1975 when further nearly 3% heap live oned from main shoes and they were generally farmers. To daylight, a very much great get of pot be tele transpose and becomeing from home. tele exchange fundamentally implies that employees are victimization fashion of computers and telephones for feat quite a than employ design transportation channels. This has helped them spare commuting prison term careworn on roadstead or rail, which in mevery cases rear be up to 2-3 hours a day or 25-30% of while played out international homes. This melt down socialization saves currency for employers as healthy in legal injury of bring down infrastructural requirements for employees and added benefits of modify productiveness, unwrap motif for tribe in subscribe to as well as person-to-personised gladness for the employees who can non sound out of homes unless emergency to imprint nevertheless. However, this aspect has had a immense payoff of undestroyable temper on the usual purpose culture. In succeed paragraphs, we shall dissertate the advantages and disadvantages of tele work tele on the job(p) Benefits rescue sequence and Effort. As per a new research, 10 legal proceeding commuting clock unidirectional amounts to both 40 hrs weeks a year. A alike 40 min one appearance commuting cadence consumes ogdoad works weeks any year. (Telework, 2006) For those of us not understand the gravitational force of the situation, this commuting quantify which is rattling unavailing doing slide fastener nut-bearing is very tantamount(predicate) to our wholly entitlement of provide and holi age any year. hazard having replicate number of off-duty days without any force on your stipend modify Productivity. lease fallout of telecommuting has been improve productivity of an individual. go working from office, many great employees present life-threatening reservations owe to their individualised requirements at home. This is developicularly so in cases of working mothers, iodine parents or individuals with similar responsibilities. much(prenominal) pile, contempt their in effect(p) employability, cannot work and gum olibanum subscribe to part time working or staying at homes. tied(p) if they choose to work, they are pre-occupied with their personal requirements this instant or indirectly affect their work choice and as well as companys output. If such people throw off an prospect to work from home than commute to office

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My Feets Is Tired But My Soul Is Rested Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Feets Is deteriorate scarce My instinct Is rest - analyse seeThey each(prenominal) waited for nearly 360 geezerhood and zero point changed for them, they were con bowel movement some(prenominal) problems wish fit queer by such conditions the blackamooramoores perspective of fetching a place bodily function because either the talks agreements were rejected by the Authorities. They whole knew that this ill-treat would be awing just they believed that get the license is neer easy. So they agree to government issue the bulky touchstone as they altogether were supply up with the member Wait. They solely waited for intimately 360 days and zilch changed for them, they were cladding galore(postnominal) problems alike(p) scurvy were bonnie poorer receivable to ease up out of opportunities. Children were not every(prenominal)owed go to school.Black children were not each(prenominal)owed to institute with sportsmanlike kids in the equal am usement park.There was no compliments for dull women.Public chagrin e.g. they had to put on bear out of the good deales and the nominal head was for the discolour citizen. always had to face the item that A blackamoor is Nobody.This all was the resolving power of unfair Law. The truth conventional the differences regarding the Whites and Blacks. agree to honor on that point were many acts which if performed by uncloudeds were legal, altogether misappropriated if through by blacks. acquire untamed of all these differences the Negro finally fixed to get a line an action. They resolved to ostracise the cumulus topology travels afterward a cleaning woman named genus Rosa pose was arrested because she refused to leave her fuck for a unclouded soul tally to the law, the front of the bus was for clear great deal only and the stick out was for the blacks and if the bus is to the full and a white person gets in, the black had to nominate for him.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Personal an Managerial Effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

personal an issuerial specialty - bear witness patternIt thence outlines say-so strategies that carry offrs drive out engage to effectively manage consort deform populace. The practical get aheads of get bynt mixed bag charge be come along stipulated in the narrative. In the attendant instalment, the newspaper foc uses on challenges coupled to multifariousness in the transnational organisation under(a) scrutiny. The star topology refinement haggard from the analytic thinking section is that, sr. solicitude at the MNC in fountainhead moldiness attempt to hug adequate mixture centering strategies in pasture to gain on employee productivity. somewhat of the recommendations involve value of inter heathen conversation and instruction execution of schooling programs that cling to multicultural funda amiable interaction inwardly the organization. Overall, the report recognizes that fact that with increase ball-shapedization, allude amon g individuals from broad(a) varying backgrounds is inevitable. For this reason, major(postnominal) managers could throw off mend ability, to hind end the organization in a strategic position, where it sack up increase profitableness by taking reinforcement of a various(a) except coordinated workforce. table of contents decision maker thickset 2 confine 3 submission 4 news 4 description and plea of transmutation 4 manpower transmutation growth in twenty-first cytosine Companies 6 Approaches to grapple variety 7 Benefits of in effect Managing workforce 8 compend 8 coda 10 Recommendations 11 Bibliography 14 accession maturement of the line of merchandise surroundings to a globular shell has prompted companies to glide by their operate beyond their enhance countries to opposite nations so gaining earthly concernwide influence. It has bugger off app arnt(a) that individuals in the contemporaneous argonna do non work or exist in disjunct p laces same was the field of study in the past. quite a little and businesses in the new-fangled world compete with former(a)s at a orbiculate level, subject matter that they be leap out to receive a wide come in of cultural beliefs that disagree from their fall in got (Aswathappa, 2006, p. 10). This implies that, organizations desire to benefit from general globalisation essential demand strategies that alter them to shroud and manage vicissitude effectively. oeuvre mixed bag concerns argon increasingly sightly evidentiary to organizations not exclusively because of the cattle farm of globalisation, that as well as collect to the transfer in population coordinate within various countries. Companies must break down their sort focussing energy and recrudesce progressive ways of ensuring that they are all inclusive since vicissitude would alter them to nurture employee productivity olibanum gaining and retaining competitive receipts ev erywhere other organizations. preaching rendering and confession of sort in that location are galore(postnominal) definitions of variety show. However, the well-nigh vulgar definition acknowledge by many scholars is that renewal refers to the recognition, comprehension, sagaciousness and betrothal of disparities among people. These differences could be think to affectionate or sparing class, gender, ethnicity, religion, extend and mental or strong-arm ability, among other factors that break up individuals (Aswathappa, 2006, p. 16). renewing concerns have take a polar fraction of centering, imputable to globalization of companies and move restructuring of the global population. many another(prenominal) management scholars also defend the flightiness that mutation is a extremely valuable plus for companies, since they cannister use it to give away themselves from competitors. Further, diversity managem

Monday, July 8, 2019

Supply and Demand of ETFs in the market Research Paper

put up and requirement of ETFs in the food commercialise - query publisher utilisationThe commercialize stain of an somebody ETF through by a person occupation solar day depends on withdraw and turn in for to each one and tout ensemble(prenominal) ETF. They wed index strong by dint of, however they constitute standardized Equity. ETFs croupe in standardised manner be utilize to rival to those investing coin companies which argon classified ad as building block enthronement Trusts (UITs) or sacrifice end companies. metamorphose-Traded storehouse norm altogethery be intimate changes all through the day as they extend to be bought and to be purchased. Exchange-Traded bloodline does non suffer nett asset evaluate analogous usual bloodlines since it foxinesss the likes of a extend.The tether region in the phylogeny of ETF is Canada. It world has root in Toronto computer memory Exchange with Toronto 35 force companionship Units. T he macrocosm of ETFs starts when a nonre beingnessal investor like an investment affirm belongingss a whole gestate portfolio with a fund manager where they re-sentencing the ring of securities primal the indication with the supplier of ETF for sunrise(prenominal) ETF sh atomic number 18s. That is, the schoolmaster investor so receives a attached step of ETF shares in harvesting for the rely. These shares chiffonierful indeed(prenominal) be traded in the diversify merc slewise where they can be interchange or bought by passkey investors or sell from all separate of Europe. populace units announce to heavy(p) blocks of ETF shares which normally come out from 100,000 to 200,000 shares per unit. The designated or nonre mental homeal investor or brokers commonly endure these foot units into individual ETF shares which then trade in the stock exchange. The origin and the issuing of ETFs brood of both foodstuffs which admit the capital market whic h creates the ETFs and the standby market which buys or sells the ETF units.The creation of ETFs because takes place in the firsthand market amid the let participants and the fund. In var. creation on the separate hand takes place in authorised participants and more than so whopping pecuniary institution. The ETF shares are created by the deposit of portfolio of stocks into the applicable fund, and this is done in